Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Non Believable Facts.


 1.  Longest bird in the world is by the name SARAS , which is only found in INDIA.

2. IN 1952 , Albert Einstein was been chosen as the President of Israel , but he refused. 

3. If you are in anywhere in INDIA, then you are just 7 km away from a temple.


4.   The hand which you uses for writing, has the faster growing nails compare to the other hand.


5.   Marshal Arts was  born in INDIA, later after,  the bhuddist monks spread it in the rest of the  world. 

6.  If you write the spelling of words from one to lakh  letter. C will not come in entire spells.

7. AMULs full Form - Anand Milk Union Limited.

8. Upto 17th Century AD.  INDIA was the RICHEST country in the world.

In Ahead years INDIA will be for sure the World's SUPERPOWER.

       Thanku.                 And like the Article.

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